Event announcement: NCHT Gives Thanks!

In an effort to give back to the nonprofit community, Natrona Collective Health Trust (NCHT) announced today the first annual “NCHT Gives Thanks” event to be held November 30, 2023, at The Lyric, 230 W Yellowstone.

The event is a celebration for all Natrona County nonprofit employees, all of whom contribute to meeting needs across our community. Nonprofit employees can attend any time between 11:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. for free gifts and refreshments. The first 500 nonprofit employees to arrive will be given a $25 gift card to Albertsons to help with their holiday grocery needs.

Door prizes will be awarded throughout the day, and guests will be entertained by live music between 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 5-7 p.m. from John May and Health McAteer.

“We are fortunate to work closely with our community’s nonprofits and are so thankful for everything their employees do in Natrona County,” said Beth Worthen, NCHT CEO. “This event is a celebration of them and all of the ways in which they make our community better.”

While this is the first time NCHT will host such an event, the Trust intends to make it an annual celebration that grows over time.

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