Meet the Intern: NCHT welcomes Stephanie Miller

During this back-to-school season, the Natrona Collective Health Trust welcomed a student of our own, Stephanie Miller, our inaugural MSW Practicum intern. Stephanie is supervised by NCHT Senior Director of Programs and Community Engagement Ray Pacheco.

“Social work is a broad field, especially on the macro level,” Ray said. “It entails changing, negating, or repairing large-scale systemic issues that affect large groups of people or entire communities. That’s why having a master’s in social work intern fits nicely with the mission and values of the Natrona Collective Health Trust.”

Not only will this internship be beneficial to our student, but NCHT gains a much-needed extra hand with the important work we are doing.

“Macro level social work is extremely vital to the overall systems change that needs to be done in many communities throughout the country, ours included,” Ray said. “Overall, it is a win-win for both our intern and our organization.”

Stephanie will be with the Health Trust through April of 2023. During that time, she will be working closely with the program team, but is also spending time getting to know the entire business of running a health conversion foundation. We asked Stephanie to answer a few questions so we could get to know her as well.

First, tell us a little about yourself personally.

I was born and raised in Eastern Colorado, we moved to Wyoming in 2011. I grew up with my two brothers. I am the youngest and only girl. I have two children; my son Damian is 20 and my daughter Hannah is 16. I have been married to my husband for almost 12 years. I spend a lot of time at Joshua Storehouse where I serve on the board and volunteer my time.

Tell us about your education journey and how you plan to use your degree.

I graduated from the BSW Program at the University of Wyoming in May of this year. I am working on my MSW through the University of South Dakota. I am unsure what I am going to do with my degree, but I know that I would like to work within the criminal justice system helping inmates rebuild their lives and reintegrate into society.

What made you choose NCHT to complete your internship?

I am interested to learn about the different organizations in the community and how the Trust helps them. I am also interested in helping with systematic change in the community.

When you are not working or studying, what do you do to relax and find joy?

I love to spend time with my family. We like to travel and see new places.